Blog Comments

  1. sanseeker's Avatar
    I did not get married until after I had been with my "finance/ BF" for 20 years, after we had kids. I had several reasons for waiting and one was fear of the "MIL". I could tell in the beginning she overlooked many/most of her own and her son's faults but was interested in judging mine. She still gets on my nerves. MIL's in general are annoying because they are like an eternal guest to a party who were never invited. Even if she is nice, I find it hard to really like/love her, and sometimes I feel bad about that, but its hard to forget stuff she did/said in the beginning. It's really just that we come from such different backgrounds, and she got divorced and depended a lot on her son, also it's generational.

    Getting married on its own is hard enough without pressure from relatives.
  2. CookbooksRStillUs's Avatar
    Talking to her about this stuff is useless. *His* behavior needs to change. He needs to move out. He needs to ignore her guilt trips. He needs to learn to say "no", and then refuse to be drawn into any argument or discussion of that no -- to hang up or walk away if she's having a tantrum. If he cannot do these things, RUN.
  3. Whoever's Avatar
    The problem isn't just FMIL but your BF. Run fast and far from this train wreck. You seem to give and give but he gives nothing in return. He lets his M stomp all over you and says he "will talk to her." Yeah, right. RUN.


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