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  1. MIL pretends to be sweet in front of my hubby

    My husband's mother acts like she is concerned about me in front of him and offers to cook my favourite dishes when he is alone. And does not offer to cook when I am around. She tries to interfere in everything.
  2. mil trying to keep tab on food we eat

    My hubby n me live with our in laws and are married for little more than a year. I have always observed my mil keeping a count of how much we eat whn we have meals together. Also when she comes back from a trip she asks me what we ate for the days she was away and I avoid answering this. She also goes all the way to ask our maid what she cooked for us while she was away! We are a well earning family where my hubby me n my fil earn enough to afford a decent standard of living.
    please advise ...

The Sister Knot, Apter
The Sister Knot
Why We Fight, Why We're Jealous, and Why We'll Love Each Other No Matter What

Secret Paths: Women in the New Midlife
Secret Paths
Women in the New Midlife

Working Women Don't Have Wives, Dr. Terri Apter Working Women Don't Have Wives
Professional Success in the 1990'S

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