
  1. How do you know when to quit?

    Desperate for advice here. How do you know when to call it quits? And when you figure that out what’s the first step? I have had enough. I’m 31, I’ve been married for 5 years. My oldest is 3 and when I got pregnant with him sh** started to get real weird with my DH and his mum. It’s just the two of them. He’s an only child turned surrogate husband when he was 12 after his father left. 20+ years later his mother still hasn’t moved on. She made “honey do” lists for him to do at her house until recently. ...

The Sister Knot, Apter
The Sister Knot
Why We Fight, Why We're Jealous, and Why We'll Love Each Other No Matter What

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Women in the New Midlife

Working Women Don't Have Wives, Dr. Terri Apter Working Women Don't Have Wives
Professional Success in the 1990'S

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