
  1. You're doing this to a pregnant cancer patient? Really?

    You b!tches need to leave the drama back in high school ...

    Why don't people realize that cancer patients really suffer from stress - that stress makes cancer worse? For frak's sake, people, here's your sign: DO NOT START A FIGHT WITH EACH OTHER ON A CANCER PATIENT'S FACEBOOK PAGE!!! OR MOMMA TIGER WILL RIP YOUR THROAT OUT!

    Birdy tends to communicate with people via her Facebook page because ... well ... that's all she has the energy for.

    This past ...
  2. Is it me?

    Am I being too sensitive?

    That's a hard question to ask myself. I'm getting furious at the Mensch because he won't pick up his clothes or complains when he has to do dishes. But this is nothing new.

    I want to slap my youngest daughter, Lulu, who has always been difficult. She is getting cranky with me. I know she's worried about her sister and is caring for her, but I don't deserve her venom.

    Tonight, I called Birdy at about 9 p.m. She didn't ...
  3. Im trying to not be cranky

    But ... I’ve been cranky lately, and my mama tiger claws are tungsten steel and razor sharp.

    For once, I have a “good” Great Facilitator and Eel story. The moment I sent out the email to let everyone know, the Eel called, very concerned, and asked if there was anything she could do to help. Good wishes, prayers, etc. She and the GF are in warmer climes at this moment, so there’s not a lot she can do. I do appreciate the good wishes, as does Birdy. The only “sour” ...
  4. How Birdy found out she had cancer

    I'm going to try and blog here, so that the entire world doesn't read it.

    This is the story of how Birdy found out she had cancer:

    Birdy worked as a waitress. Her left knee had been bothering her for several months, but like most women, she just blew it off. "Oh, it's because I'm a server and I strained it."

    Then she became pregnant about 20 minutes after moving in with her boyfriend. She kept blowing off her knee pain "oh, it's because ...

The Sister Knot, Apter
The Sister Knot
Why We Fight, Why We're Jealous, and Why We'll Love Each Other No Matter What

Secret Paths: Women in the New Midlife
Secret Paths
Women in the New Midlife

Working Women Don't Have Wives, Dr. Terri Apter Working Women Don't Have Wives
Professional Success in the 1990'S

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