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  1. Mucho M-I-L's.

    I once read in a satire book that one of the things you should look for in a potential husband is a dead mother-in-law. They can make your life either better or worse. I have two. The one who is nothing but critical and the one who is nothing but supportive, although when my kids were young and I was insecure, I didn't realize just how supportive she was. Now, sadly, she is dying of cancer. I will missher and try to be like her.

    I wish there were therapists who specialized ...

The Sister Knot, Apter
The Sister Knot
Why We Fight, Why We're Jealous, and Why We'll Love Each Other No Matter What

Secret Paths: Women in the New Midlife
Secret Paths
Women in the New Midlife

Working Women Don't Have Wives, Dr. Terri Apter Working Women Don't Have Wives
Professional Success in the 1990'S

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