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  1. Not sure what to do?

    Hi There,

    I am new here. My name is Sue. I am having some major confusion right now. I have been married 17 years. My MIL is 90 years old. My MIL tried to kill herself. MIL was in the hospital. Now she is home recieving Hospice. The Dr's don't know how long she will live.

    Here is the situation. My MIL has never had a thing to do with me. I have tried to form a realationship,but she never once has asked me to do any thing. Only if my husband has asked her ...
  2. Othername of selfishness amd hypcricy is MIL

    I dont want to address heras my MIL,then it means i have some relation with her.
    Iam married for 10 years with a kid.My husband is the only son with 3 sils.
    DH is the doting son who cannot hear one word against his mother.
    i craved for some love and affection from heartless people.i was taught in home family means we have to help each other but after coming here i see both mother and son only bother about themselves,DH busy with office work,goes early comes late,does not bother ...
  3. Is My MIL Racist or Am I Overly Sensitive -- Need Guidance

    I recently found this blog and I want to thank you ladies for this forum. I've read so many posts and I'm not sure where I fit in. But I'll give you my story and thanks in advance for your input.

    My fiancee is Cuban and I'm a black American. He's MIL, who is 80, moved from the eastcoast down south. In a nutshell, we all live together. At first I was OK with the idea b/c I was thinking we could be a family and when we have kids she could be a huge help. A year later, I regret me being ...
  4. The Package Drama: read on for a good laugh.

    I'm a long time lurker, first time blogger. My future mother in law is a nuts, and almost everyone around her know it. I have enough stories about her madness to write a book. I have been lurking on this site for years, reading advice from all of you wise ladies (and men). I have been too afraid to post, even when I finally signed up last year I only posted once. I was, and still am, afraid she will find me. But now I feel like I am at a point where I need to start writing about it, so that I can ...
    Tags: mil drama
  5. Lurking in my Sub-conscience

    I had a nightmare last night that MIL showed up at our home and decided to start taking things out of our home and was loading up a moving van with all of our belongings. She was taking our wedding photos off of the wall and cackling, "You won't be needing these anymore!"
    Needless to say, I woke up in a pissed off mood. I usually don't remember my dreams...but I remember this one. YUK!
    Tags: dream, mil, nightmare

The Sister Knot, Apter
The Sister Knot
Why We Fight, Why We're Jealous, and Why We'll Love Each Other No Matter What

Secret Paths: Women in the New Midlife
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Women in the New Midlife

Working Women Don't Have Wives, Dr. Terri Apter Working Women Don't Have Wives
Professional Success in the 1990'S

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