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  1. MIL Moving In With Us

    Any advice would be appreciated. We are a couple mid-30s that have been married for just 2 years. Well, we have been fortunate not to have major hurdles, but now I have his mother coming to live with us in our home. She had moved to Cali 10 years ago and moved in with her father, who has now been gone for almost 2 years. She is an able bodied and active woman in her 60s. She works in California and over a year ago, once her dad passed, their house went into foreclosure due to non payments. She has ...
  2. MIL on Mother's Day

    I have been a mother for almost 18 years and my MIL has never said "Happy Mother's Day" to me!! Anyone else experience this?
  3. Issues

    my mother in law tells my husband that she doesn't want to interfere with me and him. she is closer to his other daughter's mother and that hurts because im not his baby mother or his side girl I'm his wife she could care less to establish a friendship with me and she does not bother to look for my daughter and she's 2 my daughter loves her so much and so does my oldest but of course she plays cute with my husband and he eats it all up its putting me in a position where I'm starting to feel like ...
  4. MIL pretends to be sweet in front of my hubby

    My husband's mother acts like she is concerned about me in front of him and offers to cook my favourite dishes when he is alone. And does not offer to cook when I am around. She tries to interfere in everything.
  5. Will it always be this way?

    It's been a long time since I have posted on here. I finally had started to let go of all of the anger I had towards MIL in the past. My anger came from the huge difference she made between my daughter and Sil's kids (who are very close in age). It wasn't only that. Also when hubby and I got married she was very distant and negative towards me because SIL wasn't the center of attention at the time. She has always bragged on SIL girl over the tiniest little thing she does. She is almost a year older ...

The Sister Knot, Apter
The Sister Knot
Why We Fight, Why We're Jealous, and Why We'll Love Each Other No Matter What

Secret Paths: Women in the New Midlife
Secret Paths
Women in the New Midlife

Working Women Don't Have Wives, Dr. Terri Apter Working Women Don't Have Wives
Professional Success in the 1990'S

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Dr. Terri Apter
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