
Let me introduce myself...

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I'm new to this website and after reading the posts, it's nice to know that I am not alone.

I have been with my husband for going on 8 years and have been dealing with these problems from the beginning of the relationship. At first, I attempted to convince myself it was because he had been married once before for a short 2 years and she was concerned that I was going to hurt him.

She always made it plainly clear from the beginning that to her, she was the most important person to him and the ONLY woman who could love him and want the best for him.

I have always wanted her acceptance. I have gone out of my way and done things that I didn't want to do or agree with just to get good attention from her. No, I'm not proud of that now, but hind sight is 20/20.

I have a book started based off of the instances she has caused a scene or just pure examples of her behaviors. It varies from her meltdown over portraits that were taken, to her ruining my wedding reception, to the threats she has made to me, and the times she has told my husband to choose. Which, he's still with me, so I see how he's chosen.

I have wanted acceptance and love from her. I wanted to be able to call her "Mom". When I learned that her own kids didn't want to call her that, I came to my senses.

Now, I try to make it day to day.

This is enough for now. Feel free to ask me anything! =)

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