
Mil's selfishness know no bounds

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21 years ago I married my DH, we had both been divorced. He had a beautiful 3 year old daughter and I had my precious 7 year old son. We married 9/14/1996. Christmas that year my MIL welcomed me with a video of my DH and his Xwife. I looked at the Christmas tree and she has ornaments of the X and my DH names on them. And she got worse after that. Calling The x and stating that I had hurt my husbands child. Long story short we stopped talking with my MIL for almost 2 1/2 years. My great and loving FIL called me one day and ask how we could fix our relationship. I decided for my FIL's sake. My DH and I would "forgive and forget" so we reunited. Years went by. My MIL with little passive aggressive jabs here and there. I swallowed my pride and swept her derogatory comments. My MIL is very critical of my FIL who I love very much. She is a cold, and uncaring. I feel sad for my FIL he deserves respect and admiration. Last month my FIL was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer and is going through aggressive chemo. My Calous MIL has made a circus out of his diagnosis . Making a blog. Showing horrible pictures of my FIL with his mouth open and taking pictures of his crotch. She states he has slept his whole life and done nothing. This man is a Marine and a wonderful FIL and Father. So this week my daughter moved out. I was heartbroken. I wasn't expecting it but she felt she needed her freedom. My MIL tells my children that I don't see them like the adults they are and I treat them like children. She said " you should not have to put up with that"! I lost it when my children told me so I called her. She said she couldn't recall what she had said . The day after I had a special dinner planned for my FIL. She called my husband and said she needed time to get over her being offended. My FIL did not come and now once again she is the victim . I cannot do this anymore. I feel horrible that my FIL is stuck in the middle. Your advice is appreciated. I am thinking of just calling it quits and never she the Monster in law again! I have called my FIL but he has not responded . I'm sad because he has never offended me and I love him very much. Again your feedback is so appreciated

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