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    I was wondering if you could possibly close a thread for me? See, I needed to get advice about something, and now everything is under control (for now) so there's no need for there to be any more comments made. And on top of that, there's this one troll who isn't offering anything really useful/helpful and I really don't want to feed the troll or get into some sort of a flame war because life is dramatic enough as it is.

    If you can help me by closing the thread, that's awesome. If not, is there anyway that I can close it (other than just deleting the entire thread)?

    The thread in question is: [url][/url]

    Thank you for your time.
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Moderators' Thoughts of the Week Archive

by modlaurel on Dec 29, 2012 at 12:14 AM
Quote Originally Posted by modlaurel View Post
Moderators' Thoughts of the Week

This is the archive for the Moderators' Thoughts of the Week. Thoughts will be kept here after they are replaced. The most up-to-date one can be found at


Welcome to Moderators' Thoughts of the Week. Once a week we'll be writing about something relevant to the Board. The subjects we talk about will range from

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