Okay, normally I don't hold my Evil S up as a shining example for anything (LOL) but in this case I have to.
Evil S and her DH are CF by choice too. Her IL's are all about kids and family and she and her DH were always getting hounded. Evil S married into one of those families where everyone is always in each other's business - waaaaaay too close - and there are dozens of GC. Everyone, and I mean ALL of them, have dinner every Sunday at the IL's.
One day, after the two of them had gone to NYC for a few days, the comments started (as always). Evil S broke down in (fake) sobs and said "No, (sob) we saw a famous fertility specialist in NYC. (Sob) He said we'll NEVER be able to conceive (sniff) because DH is infertile! (Sob) The doctor said that (sniff) when DH was young and had the measles he didn't receive proper care for them (pointed, blaming look at MIL) so now HE CAN'T HAVE CHILDREN. Waaaaahhhh!!!"
Her IL's immediately and permanently dropped the issue of baby-making. }(
Personally, IMO it's none of their dang business, but at least Evil S got them to stop. Her DH didn't have the nerve to set the story straight...