Parents' wishes? No. The hospital told me that I was the one to decide the rules of the delivery room because I was the patient, not H, not anyone else. So, if mom says, "kick them out", or "call security," that is what they do, even if the father wants to broadcast the delivery on network TV. The father has no legal right to be there, either. It is only a courtesy. The patient comes first, and if she decides the father is out, he's out. The doctor can also decide to banish anyone from the delivery room, without explanation. Sensible fathers respect the mothers of their children.

Naming rights are in the hands of the mother, too. Legally, as the child came out of her body, the mother is the one whose signature must be on the form. No one else's! Mothers do have rights where I live!

Some men, that is, those who do not protect their wives and place their wives first, need to be reminded of certain things. And those certain things are often enshrined in the law. What do you know!